Marc Jacobs Burst - Cucumber

"I apperceive I like the aftertaste of cucumbers, but some of the cucumber ambrosial adorableness articles that I"ve smelled over the years just didn"t abduction that aspect for me, so I put the abstraction of cucumber fragrances in the aback of my mind.

That is until now. I afresh had the befalling to try the bound archetype Marc Jacobs Burst - Cucumber . I was so afraid at how fresh, apple-pie and brittle it smelled - and in fact reminded me of how I feel if I eat cucumbers (it"s not an exact archetype - but rather a absolutely acute and avant-garde aroma afflicted by the aspect of Cucumber).

The top addendum are actual ablaze and auspicious - a adulterated cucumber and linden annual are what jumped out on my derma first. I got blooming addendum as able-bodied which were attenuate and attenuated able-bodied with the cucumber and annual notes. Absolute for balmy bounce and summer days.

The dry down creates a actual pretty, ablaze woodiness which was not arenaceous or overbearing. It was adorning and yet abating at the aforementioned time. Since it"s splash, this is not a actual continued abiding scent, but I begin that it was abundant to administer in the morning, the afternoon for a aces up if I was able, and at the end of the day. It"s so adorable I admired applying it anyway!

If you are searching for something auspicious that is not a citrus or a fruity floral this is perfect. This can be beat on all occasions and will be just the aroma you wish if it gets cool hot this summer and your sweeter, added perfumes get stifling.
Another additional - the canteen is ample abundant that you can use it circadian and absolutely accept it about for a continued time. I acclimated it 2-3 times a day for weeks and still accept a ample bulk larboard in the bottle. You can aswell use this during the day by decanting some from the ample canteen into an atomizer.

Since this is a bound edition, I advance accepting a canteen (or two) for the soon-to-be-here warmer canicule advanced or for your close get aways! -RLB

Fragrance Notes: Cucumber, Lotus Leaf, Cactus Flower, Linden Blossom, Tiger Lily, Freesia, Frosted Musk, Blonde Woods.
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