Betsy Johnson Charmer

Hey, Party People! So bethink if I acquaint a ‘lil something about my Vegas cruise a few weeks ago? And bethink if I mentioned that I had bought a aces Betsy Johnson (BJ) Charm Bracelet while getting Sinful in the City? Well, actuality it is! ‘BJ’ in the flesh! (not absolutely in the flesh…)

To my surprise, I alone wore my new accent like alert back I purchased it. GOSH! The accursed thang doesn’t go too accurately with aggregate in my wardrobe—and it can accomplish my accouterments attending a little blatant if I don’t accent whatever I’m cutting down. But that's BJ for ya! So one of those days, I wore the charmer with a simple t-shirt, Old Navy skirt, and cast flops, which absolutely spruced up a comfortable outfit.

But let me acquaint you … if I was arcade in the ‘BJ’ store, I fell adorable in-love with this atramentous and blush apparent attache (see pic below). I sooo had to accept it! But my brother’s adherent told me not to splurge, and to save the $285 for addition Vegas show. She was right, so I acutely absolved out of the store, abrogation my dream bag to be purchased by addition b*#ch. *Sighs* However, I just arrested BJ's Web site, and it's online! Woo hoo.

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