MY Fashion Frenzy Chats with La Bella Designs

MY Fashion Frenzy chats with Alpharetta-based adornment designer, Rebecca Greenberg, of La Bella Designs. Rebecca’s pieces are handmade and advised with attractive black gemstones, Swarovski crystals, admirable argent and 14K gold-filled. The abstracts and food that Rebecca uses to actualize such masterpieces are of top superior and absolutely to accommodated the fashionable needs of trendsetters, as able-bodied as trendseekers.

Rebecca is amorous about her plan as a adornment artist - and is assertive that her creations will affect ones claimed style. “My goals are to actualize jewelry, that allows you to accurate your claimed style, is archetypal abundant to outlive the latest trends and that you won't see on anybody else!” -Rebecca Greenberg

MY Fashion Frenzy: So acquaint us what aggressive you to architecture jewelry?

Rebecca Greenberg: I accept consistently been a artistic being and adore painting, drawing, bed-making and autogenous decorating. I stumbled aloft adornment authoritative if I begin a new bean boutique in my neighborhood. Afterwards the aboriginal chic I was hooked, I just fell in adulation with all the admirable abstracts that are available, abnormally semi-precious gemstones beads, which appear in every color, appearance and cut imaginable. I begin my acuteness alive overtime, designing in my arch aggregate I capital to actualize with these attractive beads!

FF: How continued accept you been designing and what fabricated you start?

RG: I started designing about 2 years ago, authoritative pieces for my accompany and ancestors {and myself} and afterwards a while begin I capital to accomplish added adornment than I could possibly abrasion or accord as gifts.

FF: Acquaint us a little bit about your architecture process.

RG: I usually am aggressive by the gemstones themselves. I go to many, abounding gem shows to acquisition admirable and abnormal stones of top quality. I don’t accept a architecture abstraction if I aces out my materials, I accept to delay until I am aggressive by assertive chaplet and again I sit down and alpha “playing” with them. Sometimes I will account out basic account so I won’t overlook them, but those account are tweaked as I play with my beads.

FF: You accept absolutely the accumulating of aces pieces displayed in your online gallery, which section are you a lot of appreciative of and why?

RG: One of my admired pieces is an aboriginal architecture I created with bittersweet chaplet in assorted shapes with gold bittersweet chaplet and chain. You can see it on my Fashion Industry Network page. I just admired the way it angry out, I was aggravating to accomplish something alien looking, but actual wearable and I anticipate I got it just right.

FF: Do you accept a admired adornment designer?

RG: I absolutely like Dana Kellin. Her designs are actual abundant and yet accept a classic, airy look.

FF: Any admonition for those who are aggravating to accompany a adornment architecture career?

RG: Learn as abundant as you can about adornment architecture afore you advance a lot of money in materials. Take classes, apprehend barter magazines, allocution to added designers. Acquisition your own appearance and don’t anguish about what seems to be accepted at the moment, just actualize what’s in your affection and your imagination.

FF: Where can abeyant barter appearance your work?
RG: I accept a arcade site:; added of my designs can be apparent on my capital Web site:; and at the Fashion Industry Network.
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