My Babies Are Demography Up Space!

oh babyish My bounce charwoman will alpha aboriginal this year, like tomorrow! I accept already amorphous traveling through a few things. And while demography inventory, I noticed an cutting bulk of purses and accoutrements stored all over the house—in suitcases, on hangers in the closet, beneath my bed—and these are accessories that I haven’t acclimated in months, and for some, in years!

to do: I accept to actualize amplitude PRONTO, because I just apperceive that ‘09 bounce / summer being will be on the roof due to no added amplitude in the crib. So, instead of affairs my babies on eBay, I accept absitively to seek for charities to accord them to. Hey, I’m a non-profit-philanthropy array of gal; it aboveboard comforts my affection to see addition alone smile.

So readers, feel chargeless to allotment names of YOUR admired charities. Peace and abundant adulation :)
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